Hi, Zhan Li here!

Welcome to the website created by me for my EP1000 module, in this website, you will get to see my progress over the weeks, and eventually acheive the final finished product I desire.

In this website, you can navigate with the links that you can click on the left hand side to learn more about me or to go see what I've done for the whole span of the module.


12 July 2020:
Done more updates on the website, including:

  1. Added a arduino page and a laser cutting page.
  2. added more things in 3D printing, though not fully complete, it will be done soon.
  3. organised somethings a bit to make it look cleaner.

24 May 2020:
Largest update for my website, done a lot of organisation and added more things in every page.

  1. Added a progress page.
  2. Created subpages in progress page now it has links to web creation, 2D raster and vector and 3D printing.
  3. Added more things in the about page.
  4. updated all the subpages latest 18 May 2020

14 May 2020:
Website finally up and working! now here you can browse around by clicking the links on the left and you can be directed to different parts of the website. happy exploring!